Monday, December 13, 2010


1. For me, its tough to say what I support. After looking at both the websites I would say I'm pro-choice, but only before the first 12 weeks. Looking at the ways abortions are performed, I lowered my standard for abortion. At some point, when the fetus is older, it just doesn't seem right to me. However, I think a woman should have a choice of what she wants to do with her body and as long as its before 12 weeks an abortion seems constitutional to me. The pro-choice movement seems to be losing because more and more states are putting restrictions on abortion. 15 states have a near total ban on abortion and 20 states have a near ban on abortion after 12 weeks. Pro-life argument is based on a woman's right to chose what she does with her body. They also have a strong support when they say they support improving access to birth control and teaching young people sex education so that there doesn't have to be abortions. I think this is important because it shows they're trying to solve the problem while supporting the rights of women. The pro-lifers seem to use the fact that the killing of a fetus is wrong for their argument. I think this argument is valid, but I also believe in a women's right to chose whats best for her. They use a lot of fact and one of their main purposes is to inform women of all the abortion techniques and their side-effects. This is important because a women should know all the side-effects they may have.
2. I think both of these sides have valid arguments and its hard for me to make the decision of what side I'm on. Like I said earlier, I'm pro-choice so long as its before 12 weeks into the pregnancy. I think parents should know if their child is getting an abortion, just because the child is living under their household and their paying for medical insurance. If a daughter is 18 year old I don't believe they need a parents consent because they are considered an adult. However, any age lower a parent must consent.
3. If a daughter is living under her father's household then I believe he should be notified of the abortion simply because he takes care of her and most likely helps pay medical care. However, I don't think a father's consent should be required, I think only one parent needs to approve if the daughter is under 18, not both, so it may or may not be the father.
4. Illinois seems to have the same opinion as me about abortion. I agree with all the pro-choice laws because they seem to help women in need of abortion or preventing abortion via birth control. However, there are some pro-life laws that I don't agree with. After 12 weeks, Illinois has a ban on abortion with no exception on a woman's health and I think there should always be an exception if their health is at risk. Illinois also has laws refusing to provide medical services and referrals concerning abortion to some women. This is wrong because if a women wants to get abortion or wants information on it she should receive it without delay. Also I disagree with the law requiring the spouse's consent of the abortion because they have no say in the other spouses medical care. So I think Illinois has a good handle on abortion laws for the most part, but I would not like as much restrictions on the women that want more information or coverage for an abortion. A women should be fully educated when making her choice, and once she makes her choice, she should be fully supported.