Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New reasons drug testing isn't cool.

 In a recent ruling it was stated that the past rulings on student searches were very vauge and teachers and staff had little to work with. Steven R. Shapiro, the ACLU's national Legal Director stated, "Today's ruling affirms that schools are not constitutional dead zones. While we are disappointed with the Court's conclusion that the law was not clear before today and therefore school officials were not found liable, at least other students will not have to go through what Savana experienced." The past rulings were very general and left things very open, allowing for some unjust searches, such as the search in the case of Safford Unified School District v. Redding. "Neither the Constitution nor common sense permits school officials to treat a strip search the same as a locker or backpack search." This is relevant to drug testing because its not like a simple search of a back-back, drug testing is a search of the body and should not be allowed within a school. With drug testing and unjust searches students will be violated of their rights and be taught the wrong thing. "The lesson being imparted–one that goes against every fundamental principle this country was founded upon–is that we have no rights at all against the state or the police." Students get this impression when they are unjustly searched and will continue to be brainwashed to think that the sate can do as they like to them. Students should not be growing up getting this impression that all power can do unjust things to them. Having a drug test will give them that impression, but they should know people shouldn't have to give into random drug tests.

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