Thursday, April 21, 2011

Food, Inc.

I watched the movie Food, Inc to further help my understanding of the food industry. Robbert Kenner, the film maker, wanted to lift the veil of the food industry from over his, and everybody else's eyes. The veil, is the image of the honest farmer on a nice field with happy animals, when truley, factory farming has completely distorted this farming. I highly suggest watching this video because it really opens your eyes to where your food comes from. The conditions in which our food is processed are unsanitary and result in the death of many Americans today. Many of the food factories Kenner went to would not allow an interview because they knew people wouldn't buy their products if they knew what they came from. One farmer wanted to let the film makers in, but he knew the industry that owned his business wouldn't like that.What scares me the most is that these companies have managed to make it illegal to say anything bad about the company. On her show, Oprah said she didn't want to eat a burger because of the outbreak of "mad cow disease." The company sued her because they lost profit, however, Oprah battled it out and didn't let them win. The point is, just for saying she didn't want another burger the company was able to sue her. They also have immense laws protecting them from any lawsuits concerning diseases one might get from their meat. One mother tried to sue because he son died from E. coli in their meat. Then she tried to create and pass a law to make meat industries have more inspections and pass them, but her efforts were in vain. What makes these industries so powerful and seemingly unstoppable, is us. Though we may not think we are, as consumers, we are very powerful. Every time we buy something it's like we're voting for that item and saying we want more of it. Sure big business products may be inexpensive, but they cost more in the long run when considering your health and the health of our world. Take a look at their website-

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