Thursday, September 23, 2010

Religion in schools

I find it strange that 61% of survey takers strongly agree that speakers should be allowed to offer public prayer in schools. Yet 48% strongly agree that there should be a separation of the church and state because the first amendment states it so. I'm going to have to go with the first amendment here and say there should be a separation of the church and state. How can speakers praying in public schools abide by the first amendment? There are many people at schools with different religions and they all cant be doing their religious practices in school, otherwise its not so much school anymore. If someone must practice their religion, go to a church or masque or something that's not school. I am christian and still I would find it very irritating for speakers to praying or offering prayer because school is no time place for those practices. I don't want to be distracted while I'm learning. However, I do feel it is completely necessary to learn about religions in school through educational means and practices. This means schools can not favor one religion over another, or try to force it or its practices upon the students. School should simply teach about the religion mainly because "much of history, art, music, literature and contemporary life is unintelligible without an understanding of the major religious ideas and influences that have shaped history and culture throughout the world."Religion encompasses all these valuable aspects of history that every student should learn about. Then students will understand that there are different types of religions all over the world that effect culture and lifestyle. However, when teaching history, it is not right to change it for political benefits. Texas is still trying to change its history textbooks so that they may promote Christianity and promote "bible-based foundations of America." Others want to leave out Christianity altogether. This would be wrong because its effects were present in the history making of America. I say, leave it how it is, history should be told only by fact with no influential text or teachers. Just teach history how it actually happened and we'll learn from it.

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