Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sept 11 video

Before this video, I didn't know too much about sept 11th. When it happened, I was young and didn't think too much of it because I never witnessed some of the things I saw on the video. First of all, I never really knew how big the twin towers were, until I saw the plane flying below the towers because they were so tall. So in the next clip, when the building was on fire I thought of how huge the building was and all the people it held inside. One of the most compelling things I saw was the man jumping out of the building. He must of had no other choice. It made me think of all the other people trapped with nowhere to go. I couldn't imagine being in that position. Also, I've never seen the second plane hit before. It was unbelievable to see a large plane look so small flying full-force into a huge building. To me it seemed fake, or impossible. I cant imagine what the New Yorkers felt. After these two seemingly invincible buildings collapsed, it seemed like all hope was lost. It made everyone afraid and part of the city look like a ghost town. However, the next day people came together and were inspired by the firefighters and other helpers' diligence, that they began to feel the need to help. I feel like this represents America as a whole; we all come from so many places and cultures, but we all live in the same place and will come together to fight any evil.

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